Out of hundreds and thousands of tattoo designs the world has produced, there are few that stand out and continue to ink their way onto generation after generation. Here’s a list of the 50 most popular tattoo symbols and designs.
1. Tribal
tribal tattoos in this modern world, but perhaps the contrast of savage design and the new-age body gives a certain level of charm. Tribal designs are quite intricate and attractive, offering rich choices for the tattoo enthusiasts.
Tribal tattoos consist of an exciting array of tattoo design possibilities, ranging from the traditional tribal designs of indigenous and aboriginal cultures to the latest in graphic design for the ink-hungry body.2. Star / Nautical Star3. Crosscross tattoo is very popular not only among Goths but also with those who want to express their religion, and those who just love how the design looks on their skin. The most popular cross designs include the Celtic Cross, Maltese Cross, and the Iron Cross.
4. AngelAngel tattoos are very popular among all cultures in various forms. They can also take the form of an archangel like Michael or Uriel.
5. WingsMaori is one of the most famous. Some love this tattoo design so much that they would even try to offer their entire face for the craft. Take a look at the Top 20 craziest facial tattoos ever attempted.
7. Dragondragon tattoo so that makes this one quite popular.
8. PhoenixPhoenix tat is a much inked reality. A phoenix tat is also rumored to express one’s hunger for immortality. Don’t we all want to live forever?
9. Butterflybutterfly tattoo is really popular among the female population. I have yet to see a guy with a butterfly tattoo, but I’m sure they’re out there somewhere. Mariah Carey really made this one very popular during her ‘Butterfly’ days. And it sure clicked.
A butterfly tat can represent beauty, metamorphosis, freedom, happiness, and fragility. And those are elements women can definitely relate with.10. Fairyfairy tattoo is always the most common choice. Knowing that fairies have the power of flight and can make wishes come true, it surely is fun to have a fairy tattoo, especially if the design is elaborate and fanciful.
11. Lionlion tattoo can instantly project an image of strength and leadership on any ink collector.
12. Celtic KnotCeltic Knotwork can look really impressive as a tattoo design.
13. KanjiKanji tattoos that makes everyone an instant fan. Every time I see a tattoo consisting of Chinese characters, I usually like it, despite the fact that I have no idea what it means. And most people, even those who own the tat, might be clueless of their tat’s true meaning. Well, as long as the people around you don’t understand it either, there won’t be any problems. Just enjoy the view.
14. Tigertiger tattoo seldom looks bad. I haven’t seen a bad one so far.
15. Roserose tattoo is always something that attracts attention, and this is one of the reasons why this tattoo symbol and design is very popular.
16. Heartheart tattoo has a place in everyone’s errr … heart. It symbolizes life, love, and passion.
17. ZodiacZodiac tattoos are popular because everyone can personally relate to them. If you use and believe in the Gregorian calendar, your personalized Zodiac tattoo will represent who you are.
18. Skullskull tattoos can take different forms and themes depending on the creativity of the tattoo artist.
19. Flowersflower tattoos are quite famous regardless of the species or color. Though the rose is a popular choice, others opt for other varieties and use them as design motifs.
20. Pin-up Girleagle tattoo always rocks.
22. Crownsun tattoos. Nobody wants to perish, I suppose.
24. Anchorankh tattoo‘s unique appearance. The looped cross just looks beautiful and definitely would look great as a tattoo.
26. Barbwire- =
Snake tattoos mean renewal, taken from the snake’s ability to shed skin. They may also mean temptation and knowledge. So if you think you’re hot, then you will definitely look hotter with a snake tat.
35. Fleur de Lisdolphin tattoo might help remind you that you are still the most intelligent mammal on the planet.
39. Dragonflydragonfly tats are also popular among women. They are associated with good luck and are considered as the power of light. Whatever that means, dragonfly tattoo designs can look really cool, which explains the popularity.
40. Fishfire tattoo is inked on your already hot bod.
42. Gun / Pistolgun tattoos are popular in both sexes. Though initially they are worn by those who have served time in prison for violent crimes, they are now worn by those who think getting eagle or fire tattoos is for wimps. They opt for a more killer tattoo design and gun tattoos give them that need satisfaction. Check out 12 Killer Gun Tattoos.
43. Harley Davidson / MotorcycleHarley Davidson motorcycle has been an icon of American freedom, popular amongst bikers and Harley riders around the globe. Here are 10 Cool Harley Davidson tattoos for your viewing pleasure.
44. Lotuslotus represents spiritual purity because of their beauty and their ability to grow in the murkiest of water.
45. Luck / Clovermusical note tattoos.
47. ScorpionScorpio tattoos are said to protect the bearer of the tattoo and ward off a scorpion sting or an evil spirit.
48. Yin-Yanglove tattoo design showing a heart shot from the arrow of Cupid can also suggest penetration and physical love.