Butterflies have been a common subject of art ever since they first appeared in 3500 year old Egyptian hieroglyphs. It is therefore little wonder that Butterflies tattoo designs are so widespread today. Butterflies are particularly popular with women as they are considered to be a feminine symbol.
In many cultures Butterflies represent the soul. In Japanese culture for example, it is thought that dead relatives may visit the living as butterflies. Therefore, seeing a single butterfly is usually a good omen. However, if you see a swarm of butterflies it is a bad omen.
In Chinese culture, two butterflies together are a symbol of love. Chinese also see the butterfly as a symbol of transformation and rebirth. This is a common interpretation of butterfly symbols in many world cultures.
Whatever the symbolism you choose to believe, butterfly tattoo designs are a attractive choice and the design possibilities are endless.

In many cultures Butterflies represent the soul. In Japanese culture for example, it is thought that dead relatives may visit the living as butterflies. Therefore, seeing a single butterfly is usually a good omen. However, if you see a swarm of butterflies it is a bad omen.
In Chinese culture, two butterflies together are a symbol of love. Chinese also see the butterfly as a symbol of transformation and rebirth. This is a common interpretation of butterfly symbols in many world cultures.
Whatever the symbolism you choose to believe, butterfly tattoo designs are a attractive choice and the design possibilities are endless.