Saturday, May 26, 2012

Six Tattoo Placements for Women which are Actually Plain Ugly

1. Forearms: Although the skin on the forearm is ideal for a tattoo, since it not only stretches easily, but also heals fast, not to mention the fact that it doesn’t wear much against the body. The problem is, for a woman, this isn’t exactly a very feminine spot to place a tattoo. Many ladies get a very womanly tattoo to soften its effect but in reality, it really doesn’t go, since it’s almost always visible and does not look too attractive on a female.
2. Wrists: The skin on the wrists facilitate quick healing of the tattoos placed on them, but the skin is thin, so tattoos end up ‘blowing out’ or getting ‘fuzzy lines’ gradually with time, which makes even the most delicate tattoos like flowers and vines look thick and ugly as time passes. Also, it is considered to be more of a masculine part of the body rather than feminine.
Between the Breasts
3. Between the Breasts: Speaking skin-wise, the flesh on the chest of a human body is one of the best that can be found. But tattooing a sword in between a woman’s breast is something any tattoo-artist will feel quirky about, as he knows it will look more than ridiculous in the future. And trust me, I’ve heard from many tattoo artists who’ve been asked to do exactly that by some of their female clients!
4. Toes: The skin on the toes is very bad for tattooing purposes. Lines will get thick and blurry, parts of the tattoo will fall out with the bandage, and it will look okay for a maximum of a day or two. Many women get a ladybug or a small flower, but it doesn’t last. Only the most basic designs will last out over time for tattoos that are placed on the toes.
5. Face: Although facial tattoos are a lot more common in men than women, but there are a few women who get eyeliner and lip liner tattooed, and I’ve never seen a single one done well. Besides, it is well known that a tattoo, after all, is a scar, and all scars itch, hence later on it is going to be more of a pain and bother than anything else, if there’s a tattoo on your face.
6. Neck: Be it on the back or the side of the neck, a tattoo there is a red flag of regret in the future. Although the skin is fine for tattooing and it holds out well, it just is not a feminine area of the body to have a tattoo on.